A closer step to the eternal night
So I have started a new blog:
Hope that the few who reads this blog will follow me there :)
Good night everyone!
Bravery has many faces

The faces of bravery in my eyes has millions faces.
Dare to be yourself and dare to search for happiness...those who don't see what it may mean to you need to do the same for themselves.
Be accepting of yourselves and others and things will fall into place somehow.
In hard times where I don't know what to do with myself I tend to think that Rome wasn't exactly buillt in one day.
So then it's kind of unrealistic to accept imidiate change in my life overnight too..
And once again, an homage

And once again, I pay homage to the quietnes of solitude...
It is the prospect and afterthought of all the pain that I have caused in the past, all the pain I am causing in the present and all the pain I for damn sure will cause in the future that brings it on.
The solitude that not even the warmest of summer days, the brightest sun or the greenest ocean can ever cure
I take this as a healthy sign. This solitude does not mean puffy and tired eyes, does not mean tears or anger managment issues nor does it mean that I believe I am to loose my mind.
It means that it is time to grow...maybe even to a better human being.
Every person that slides acros the face of this planet has one of this nights, and I beg of you:
Use it wisely - you never know when you have it next
Everything and though nothing could change... Why gamble on it?
And to the ones that these lines of seemingly empty words are for:
You enriched my lives and made me grow, made me better.
And still I managed to cause you pain, just by being who I am...or the one I used to be.
To you it might just be words without meaning, that they mean even less than my heartache compared to yours.
If you where to listen to me just one more time, hear this:
I'm sorry that you ever got to see me, the real me.
I could tell you that you deserve better, that it was me and not you, that you are the sunshine of my life.
But I can only imagine that the pain that I have allready caused you get's even worse with those words..
So all I'll say is:
I'm sorry that I hurt you. It was all me, you did nothing wrong. I hurt you because you made me love you, you stripped me from my clothes and flung me up against a wall forcing me to see myself.
And for that I had to hurt you.
I'm sorry...
You know I love you
Oh, I am gonna do this tomorrow
I don't really want to make an introduction seing as it might be the cutest site ever... I will just leave word and tell you all to visit the page
Just to give you a preview, the story "Oh, Monday" below

Wake up, Ickle!

"Yaaaaaawn... The sun is tickeling my back, is it morning already?"

"Let's see what's going on outside..."

"Hrm.... I can't tell if it is morning or late afternoon. Yaaaawn, anyways, I should start the day by making a to-do-list with all the things I will accomplish today"

"And I should write that list in bed..."

Oh, Ickle...
Ah, the beauty <3
Without words

This is just for you honeybee....
Thanks for two amazing weeks.
All the love that exist in my bones go out to you.... It's all for you <3
I hope you have a peaceful night...
Seeing red

Have arrived at home again, after living out of my backpack for two weeks.
It has been two AMAZING weeks!
Being with you all that time has been an eyeopener for me, I really do love you..
And I can't wait to see you again... Back before you know it <3
Otherwise I realize that I need to find something permanent for my apperance, because I am allready bored of my hair.
So tomorrow I have big plans, I just hope it pans out okay... Or at least that you can see some difference ;)
And btw Asbjørn, call me!!! If you want to take me out tonight you have to call me before I fall asleep ^^
Have a good saturday...
But, what's this?

But..... What?
What is this delicious pink and flowery thing?
Stay tuned.....
Have a good night everyone!
Today Norway, Kenya and Chile met at Cacti Cafe

Are you gonna kill me now, Sigurd? ^^


And the winner picture - you are the prettiest thing I know, Sigurd <3
Today I met up with Sigurd and Katarina at Cacti Cafe in town, and the meaning of it all was that we were supposed to talk business and arrange a concert that is comming up in september... but this is the result ^^
Had a great time and drank the best milkshake in a while (:
I wanna kill zombies now!

Drawn by Julie Gris ^^

Do you think we look alike? ^^
A new friend of mine, Julie has this idea for a cartoon that works as kind of a spin off on an internet cartoon that she read a while back.
The only thing you need to hear is: ZOMBIE HUNTERS!
It is about a group of kids chasing around looking for a cure to the zombie virus that is spreading all over the globe.
And she said that she could draw me into the story when I asked her if she wanted to draw me ^^
I must say, I am flattered..
I really, really, really am!
I think the zombie ass-kicking me is the bomb ^^
Thanks sweetie (:
Have a good night!
Steffen, you are my HERO ^^
I fuckin' LOVE it <3 <3 <3
Here is the link:
Have a good night every one ^^
Steffen, you are my HERO ^^
I fuckin' LOVE it <3 <3 <3
Here is the link:
Have a good night every one ^^
A toi, mon âme sœur bien-aimée
They were my source of inspiration to pretty much everything, and when I found another place to find what makes me tick I kindof forgot them..
But now that I am pretty much stagnent, I have rediscovered them.
And in particular this blog: http://leloveimage.blogspot.com/
All pictures are devotion to love and friendship..
And seing as I can't get past this one friendship ending, I thought that this one last time I would try to make the person in question understand how much he has had and still have an impact on me...

This last picture kind of rounds up everything I feel about this situation...
I miss you!
I nattens mulm og mørke
Men for de som kjenner meg så vet de at det alltid kommer noen bilder (;
I dag har vi feiret min nydelige tantes bursdag, som forøvrig var kjempegøy (:
Masse trivelige folk, god mat og forsåvidt ganske god champis.
Og dette kommer fra ei jente som ikke engang liker champis (;
Så nu ligger jeg i senga mens alle andre sover og er lys våken (som vanlig) og kjeder rævva av meg. Kusina mi som ligger ved siden av meg i senga og slokknet klokken halv tolv skal opp klokken seks i morgen for å fikse morgenfor til hestene som hun har ansvar for skal ikke bli vekket av at jeg setter på tven.... for å si det sånn..
Så da kom jeg over en liten listesak som jeg tenkte at jeg kunne svare på, slik at jeg har noe å gjøre på for noen minutter...
1. Siste du drakk? Champis
2. Siste telefonsamtale? Therese
3. Siste mottatte sms? Therese
4. Siste sangen du hørte på? The Noisettes - Wild young hearts
5. Siste du kysset? Lille Isak, sønnen til Ylva som var med i 50-års kalas i kveld^^
6. Gått ut med noen to ganger? Ja.
7. Blitt bedratt? Oh yes
8. Angret på at du har kysset noen? Slike ting angrer man ikke på..
10. Vært deprimert? Litt mer enn trist og lei ja..
11. Vært dritings? Har vært situasjoner der jeg IKKE hadde dødd av dehydrering, for å si det sånn.
12. Svart
13. Grå
14. Lilla
15. Har du fått nye venner i år? Jaaaaaa!
16. Sluttet å være forelsket? Nettopp blitt forelska jeg <3
17. Ledd til du har begynt å gråte? Ja (:
18. Møtt noen som har forandret deg? Definitivt
19. Funnet ut hvem dine virkelige venner er? Tror da jeg har gjort det en stund..
20. Funnet ut at noen har snakket om deg bak din rygg? Helt garantert
21. Kysset noen fra din top friends liste? Top friends liste?
23. Hvor mange barn vil du ha? Kanskje bare ett?
24. Har du kjæledyr? Hadde helt til den ene daua og jeg ble redd for å ha den siste, så den ga jeg vekk ):
25. Vil du forandre navnet ditt? Nja, ikke egentlig. Men har venner som har sagt at jeg ikke ser ut som en Stine.
26. Hvordan feiret du din siste bursdag? Drita full på karaokebar i Stockholm... var dritgøy^^
27. Når våknet du i dag? Kvart på elleve tror jeg
28. Hva gjorde du midnatt i går? Så Blade Runner på TVNorge
29. Nevn noe du IKKE kan vente på: Å reise til den fineste dama i verden i påskeferien <3
30. Sist gang du så pappan din? Halvtime sia (:
31. Hva ville du forandra i livet ditt? Ojda, vanskelig spørsmål. Kanskje vært litt mer engasjert i enkelte fag på vgs og kanskje vært litt mindre streng mot mamma når jeg var yngre..
32. Hva hører du på akkurat nå? Kusina mi som vrir seg i sengen og min fetter som snorker i naborommet
33. Har du noensinne pratet med en person som heter Tom? Teller Tommy?
34. Hva går deg på nervene akkurat nå? At jeg ikke får soveeeeee!
36. Hva er ditt virkelige navn? Stine Hagen Størksen
37. Sivilstatus? Fin person i livet mitt atm <3
38. Stjernetegn? Jomfruen.
39. Gutt eller jente? CHICA!
40. Barneskole? Fjellsdalen skole / Holen Skole
41. Ungdomskole? Håstein kretsfengsel / Skole
42. videregående? Tanks Vgs i Bergen. Best time of my life!
43. Hår farge? Skitten blond... Rawr ^^
44. Langt eller kort? Kort kort (:
45. Høyde? 1.82
46. Er du betatt av noen? MEGA betatt!
47. Hva liker du med deg selv? At jeg er selvstendig og står opp for meg selv og andre rundt meg. Jeg angrer sjelden på noe jeg har gjort..
48. Piercinger? I navelen og tongå (;
49. Tattovering? Åttende-dels note på venstre ribbein... Vondt som faen å ta!
50. Høyre eller venstre hendt? Høyre!
51. Første opprasjon? Cyster i ørene ):
52. Første piercing? Navelen.
53. Første tattoo? Åttende-dels noten i fjor sommer
54. Første beste venn? Susanne
55. Første sport du var med på? Turn... Vi kledde oss ut som solsikker og juletrær ^^
56. Første kjæledyr? Gullfisker
57. Første ferie? Oj, Lofoten?
58. Første konsert? Ralph Myerz & The Jack Herren Band
59. Første forelskelse? Therese
60. Første alkoholholdig drikke du drakk? Mmmmmm..... Beer!
61. Spiser? Spist nok i dag, så ingenting nå
62. Drikker? Farris Bris med Melon og skogsbær smak
63. Nå skal jeg? Glo på Mac skjermen til den dauer av for lite strøm
64. Hører på? lyden av tastaturet
65. Venter på? å komme tilbake til virkeligheten
66. Lyst på barn? Faktisk
67. Lyst til å gifte deg? Om den rette personen kommer vandrende på en fjøl, hvorfor ikke?
68. Karriere du vil ha? Noe innenfor teater eller språkbruk (inkluderer ikke banning)
69. Lepper eller øyne? Øyne - må faen ha et blikk for å ha en sjel
70. Kyss eller klem? Kyss på kinn (: Klem som nesten kveler deg litt (:
71. Høyere eller lavere? Spiller ingen trille
72. Eldre eller yngre? Hmmm, vet ikke.... Ingen preferanser på kompiser
73. Romantisk eller spontan? Behøver ikke romanse i det motsatte kjønn :p
74. Fin mage eller fine armer? Sjå kor da bryr mæ!
75. Tattovering eller piercing? Not an asshole?
76. Voldsom eller forsiktig? Helst en god venn som ikke er voldelig hadde vært greit...
77. Forhold eller bare lek? Haha... dust spørsmål til ei lesbe :p
78. Bråkmaker eller tilbakeholden? Finnes ikke noe svar til det her :p
79. Kysset en fremmed? Ja.
80. Drukket sterk alkohol? I plenum også! :D
81. Mista brillene/linsene? Er stolt av å si at jeg har knukket to par ved å sette meg på dem ^^
82. Sex på første date? Uffda..... ja :S
83. Knust noens hjerte? Ja, det tror jeg..
84. Fått ditt eget hjerte knust? Nei.... ikke knust hjerte.. Men har blitt rejalt forbanna da!
85. Blitt arrestert? Hmmmmm.... ja, desverre..
86. Takket nei til en invitasjon til date? Ja, faktisk..
87. Grått når noen har dødd? Ja....
88. Likt en venn som er jente? Hva betyr dette spørsmålet for meg?
89. Deg selv? Til tider
90. Mirakler? Til tider det også faktisk..
91. Kjærlighet ved første blikk? Njaaaa
92. Himmelen? Njæææææææ
93. Nissen? Hallo, seff!
94. Kyssing på første date? Hrmf, dust spørsmål...
95. Engler? Njæ
96. Er det en person du har lyst til å være sammen med akkurat nå? Har dame jeg (:
97. Hatt mer enn en kjæreste av gangen? Ja
98. Tror du det er mulig og være trofast for alltid? Ja, for den personen som er ment for deg - ikke noe problem
99. Hva er den ene tingen du ikke kan leve uten? Alle de fantastiske menneskene jeg har rundt meg. :)
100. Poste dette som 100 sannheter? Haha.... jeg ville løyet om jeg sa at jeg visste svaret på det (;

Til alle dem som har lurt på om jeg har vært hos tannlegen i det siste eller plutselig utviklet en talefeil:
NEI..... er bare et hull i tunga (;

Husmorsveisen min uten hårbåndet med LEOPARD mønster ^^
God natt folkens!
An "out of reach" hero

I am proud to introduce, one of my 5 heroes: Johnny Depp...
Like all women over the globe, I love Mr. Depp... But because of my personal boundaries, I don't love him because of his looks. Well, at least not his looks alone...
I can honestly say that if I have the chance of living another life in another time, I would LOVE looking like him..
But back to the point...
I have a lot of guilty pleasure movies, meaning that I am a little embarrased to say that I like them in public.
But seeing as basically no one reads this blog, I don't think that I will humiliate myself by letting no one know (;
I love:
Secret Window
Sleepy Hollow
Edward Scissorhands
Ed Wood
Pirates of the Carribean
Sweeny Todd
Corpse Bride
Other movies that I am NOT ashamed of loving:
What's eating Gilbert Grape
Finding Neverland
Public Enemies
Donnie Brasco
The Imagininarium of Doctor Parnassus
Alice in Wonderland
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
This is basically all of the big movies that he has starred in, and this makes him one of my "out of reach" heroes..
One of the people that influence experiences without you being able to reach out your hand and touch the person just to say "thank you"...
I went to the movies yesterday and saw Alice in Wonderland... And it was kind of dull, untill Mr. Depp came into motion...
Point blank, I LOVE this guy (:
Alice in Waterland

Went to the movies with my babies Kim and Karlis, and their friend Christopher...
And of course we saw Alice in Wonderland...
A little slow in the beginning, but once Johnny Depp entered the scene it picked up rather deliactly...
And I promise you, my dear Texas... I will take you to the movies and watch it again with you once we hit up to the easter holidays ^^
Have a good one, everyone <3
You'll miss me when I'm gone..
Beautiful girls with an amazing sense of rythm...
Made my night a little lighter (:
The sensation of drowning

I am in such a bad mood right now... Saying good bye kills me even though it might be a necesity..
And this is the second time this year. It needs to stop now.
Well, over to the better sides of my week-end... I practically have no hair left, but I kinda like it.. Just need to customize it up to be "me"... not so sleek and shiny for instance.
And I have steel in my mouth.... in form of a piercing - not braces ^^
Kinda like that too...
You allways said I looked like a clown in black and white photos...
I hope you can smile a little this last time...
If I could ask some of the Gods of sleep... please let me be able to sleep tonight?
I can't stand being awake every waking hour... I need some rest!
Oh, barf.... Getting tired of myself!
Good night <3
Miss Tattoo USA

The ultimate beautypageant!
They have all the regular stuff, formal gowns, talentshow, swimsuit.... but all of the ladies are covered in tattoos..
Wow, to be a fly on the wall in that arena!
3 ways to die illustrated in a funny way

Pictures from this christmas... We were counting up all the merchandise in my dady o's shop and the three of us kinnda fell a little behind. When you are done with your part it can be pretty cool results of getting bored..
The dead ones are:
Ole Morten
Anders (:
See, even weirdos can make each other happy!

Pictures courtesy of http://sometimessweet.blogspot.com/
This is seriously the most romantic thing I have seen all week... Look at the wedding CUPCAKES!
And I mean, Lego lovers on the top.... Awsomeness!
The couple is litteraly the icing on the cupcake! I mean, look at them!
That tattoo bombshell, and her man with the earplugs..
That's gotta be true love, man!
This is my outreach to all of you haters... Everyone that is different can still be mainstream.
Like two freaks finding each other, and ending up married...
To all of you wonderful people out there - spread the word!
I love you!