The smell of the summer Rain

1. "Nyt" av Truls Bakken, summer 2009
2. Marc Jacobs "Rain"
I am looking forward to the smell of the summer rain in my hometown... While I wait I'll just enjoy the smell of the smell of Rain on my wrists.
Thinking of you baby <3
I hate the lying bastards I used to surround myself with!
There is a point in life where you realise that you have been surrounding yourself with lying assholes and people who are to fucking scared to speak their exact minds that all you end up thinking "OH,BARF!"
Never again am I going to open up to this kind of people; getting fucked over this royally again is NOT an option!
I feel SO... BAD... FOR... YOU!
What happens now: going out to get hurrican drunk, I wanna drink myself to death!
To all of my current loved ones, you are fucking ases <3
Mahogany locks

Oldie picture...
I want my long mahogany locks back... and I want them now!
Sunny mind

In such a good mood today... have no clue about what is going on here, but I like it ^^
Once upon a time

Wow.... This just seems like a million years ago... Can't really complain about the first picture, but the rest? I was npt a pretty child ^^
The girl with me in the pictures though, that's something else... My cousin Hanna, so beautiful then and now <3
The thing that lives inside of me

I have carried something in my bones and body for almost five years, and more than ever and never before without any logic - it is catching up with me.
Summer has deserted me by my own choice and I can never get the love back...
I cover everything up in empty words that no one will ever read..
Let's just hope that I'll never get published..
New York, I love you but you're bringing me down
Just lying in my bed listening to quiet music and reading Oscar Wilde... Tomorrow I am going to be sitting on a bus for 8 hours, probably doing the same thing then as now. I really like those long bus or train rides, it gives room for reflection and relaxing..
And the destintion is gonna be kinda fascinating too..
I just want to relax and find myself again. It has a been a long while since I felt this lost.
So maybe a loafing trip through snowy Norway may be the answer to this time in my life..
You fucking coward!!!

I have to end this now.
Whatever this twisted and jealous relationship might have brought on us, I still have to tell you how I feel.
You are a weakling and a coward..
STILL... It might not sound like I mean it, but I wish you all the luck that excists in my bones in your search for happiness.
If you think you can find it now, then that it is all that I need to know.
All I ever cared about was your happiness, and if the third wheel on our wagon can't agree to that... Then I am the one to back off, even though I am not glad to do it. But even I can see that if I could ever see to your happiness, that is the right thing to do.
So I hope that we can meet one day in the basement, over a cup of coffee and talk. Talk for real.
My hair will be longer, and maybe my waist will be slimmer.
But I will still be the same person... The person that loved you from the start.
You have become one of my most beloved friends over the short time that I got to be your company.
And now we have to say goodbye...
So I'll say this once, and never again: You are a fucking coward, but I still love you...
You know you love me!
One love

I am mad chillin' with the COOLEST headphones 4evah!!!!

My supercous' mad chillin' with her comp and MSN

My other supercous' mad chillin' with Guitar Hero

My bebebro' mad chillin' with Basement Jaxxx

Me myself and I mad chillin' again - with still the coolest headphones evah!
This has obviously been a mad chillin' christmas!
It has consisted of:
reunion with the woman of my life <3
coffeeshop visits
a few tears and lots of laughter
good food
not so good food
a few presents (more for me than I expected actually)
whiskey with my father, uncle and granddad
aquavitt with dill flavour (HØGG!)
crappy music that I really don't give a shit about being bad because I still love it!
"new bebebro'" mattias
missin' someone speacial
seeing new sides of someone where you thought you'd seen it all!
really enjoyed surprises
commin' back to ma roots
seen love all around
and felt love all around
This has probably been the best christmas that I can remember! When not living at home, you really come to appreciate the little things that spoiled you when you had the curtesy of living at home.
Comming home to a stocked fridge and dinner on the table! When does that happen in Stockholm?!?
NEVER! Unless I take her out and go out to eat...
BUT, the dishes still haven't grown legs of their own and walk into the dishwasher.. Way to go mom, you where right ^^
I am gonna talk about stuff that irritates the shit out of me
Trinity Newman - funny shit! :-D
Have a good night!
All the beautiful words...

I have started a new blog, where I will post all of the texts that I write. Novellas, songtexts, poems and maybe even in the future...loveletters?
The picture above is the header I use on my new blog..
Ah jeeeeeeze

I am so grateful that L is on her way over to my place right now, because that means that I'll have to tidy up this fuckin' mess...
I am serious, it has been like this for days! :-/
Have a pleasant night everyone!

We got free tickets to a play that was held here in Stockholm, Pollen, and it was bizzare, but brilliant.
Reminded me a little of a movie me and my friend Øyvind saw at the Ekko festival in 2008 that was a documentary about objectophilia... People who fall madly in love with objects.
Bizzare and brilliant, I like that combination :-)
Stifling loneliness... when surrounded by people...
There is really nothing much to say. . .
Lizzy the lezzy
I am on a very funny mood today, where my very annoying dry humor comes into action. And that is why I discovered that I simply love this cartoon on YouTube, Lizzy the Lezzy :-)
Hope that you enjoy it as much as I do! :-)
Have a nice night everyone!
Fuck it...

This is how I fell right now...
I allways find a good way to fuck things up, in some way.
It is in times like theese that I really wish that I could be at home in my bed, letting my mother wake me up to the smell of freshly drawn coffee and toast. But in stead, I am lying in my bed in Stockholm freezing and it smells like shit all over..
Well well, one can only hope for a better day tomorrow..

Me, Mario an L met up on Bara Underbara Bistro, and had a few beers. Very nice evening :-)
Les Amants de - Stockholm

What is the best movie to watch on a romantic evening with redwine and olives?
I have a secret planned for L, I just hope that she doesn't get mad for using most of her tea-lights ;-)
I have cleaned the appartment, picked up fresh clothes from my appartment and rigged the placed up with live light - so I really hope that she likes it :-)
Have a nice night everybody
The eternal bachelorette

Photos @ Kriss Ingvaldsen
My bestfriend Karro is getting married now in October, and I love her to pieces for making such a big decision in such a young age.
But I have to say that I truly believe that if two people are meant to be together it is Karro and Thomas.
And the thing that is breaking my heart is the fact that I can't attend their wedding in Denmark.
The pictures above is from her bachelorette party where things got a little out of hand - but it was so much fun!!! :-D
I have to make a little appologize for the last photo - I am just a tad influenced by alcohol, but I really like the picture :-)
Now I am lying in my bed, rived with fever and not really doing anything. All I really want is for L to stop by, but that is not gonna happen today.
Anywhoooo, have a good day people!
Pretty as a picture

Photo *
I don't know where this girl came from, but she is so talented that I can hardly believe it - and she is 17 for fucks sake?!?
I cannot describe in words how happy I am right now, because I might have landed the dreamapartment in Stockholm, in Gamla Stan... And if I get it, I will live there with my two friends Julia and Mario... I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!!!!!!!!
Spending the night with L and watching Closer...
Have a beautiful night everyone!