There is an EKKO in my head

Photo @ Ching Bling
Me and my friend Christopher at the EKKO-festival in Bergen this saturday... One of my absolutley best nights out on the town. We bobbed heads to Nite Jewel and danced our fannies of to the beat of Clark - I absolutley recomend this happening to everyone who has a chance.
I mean, fucking Mary - Kate Olsen was there?!? And I bought her a beer!
Pow! Shazam! Voila!
And for an update, I am going home to Stockholm tomorrow at two a'clock, and I have a dinnerdate at 7 o'clock at Primo Ciao Ciao..
Have a nice night!
How one can be so wrong...

My week - end is hereby fucked...
...And the sea is just a wetter version of the sky...

With four special people in mind I am making this entry on one of the best mornings I have had in a long time.. My bestfriend Chris in Bergen, Natalie in Fredrikstad that is comming to visit in december to see Regina Spektor with me, the most beautiful girl in the world Karoline bestfriend for ever who is in love in Madrid and L.
Waking up with the sun shining on my face makes me feel like I can take on anything - especially this week - end..
Have a wonderful day everyone
Death is beautiful

Photo: Salvador Dali
19 years young

On my 18th birtday last year, spot on actually ;-)
Today's my 19th birthday, and I am one year younger than last year. It feels good actually, not great like when I was a kid, but very very comfortable :-)
Seeing as this is only a wednsday we are going to take it slow, and on the week - end we are gonna party like when we were kids again!!! ;-) Today it is The Vampire Lounge in Östgötagatan where the sorroundings are ecsactly what they sound like - looking forward to it like nothing else! :-D
Have a supernice day everyone and send me some happy b - day thoughts!
Stockholm vol. 1

I thought I should share a bit of my everyday - life here in Stockholm - and I must say that I love it <3
I am really getting round to living here, even though I am spending way to much money... But, I have found this great grocerystore where you can buy the crap you need to survive very cheaply... and then I have plenty of money left for alcohol and coffee ;-)
I now have my three babies integrated in my room, Karl-Vidar Jr., Audrey and Shane.... on the last name, I am truly sorry about being the biggest lesbian clishee ever ;-)
Have a nice day!
The Birds

Me and a girl from my class over here in Stockholm were invited by Cecilia in our class to come to a masquerade, and this is the result :-)
Malin is wearing my mask, and I am wearing Cecilias littlebrother Tomas's mask :-)
It was a very good night :-)
Have a good day!
Comming out

Photo @ Hedi Slimane Diary
Do I need say more?
I have finally figured things out, and it feels amazing...
I hope for support and love from all of my friends and loved ones, even though it might be a shock...
Thank you and good night, to all of you ladies out there...
The first day of the rest of my life

Today was my first day of school, and I must say that I think it will be an amazing year. We are twelve in our class, and we were five people who found each other at once :-)
There is Niclas and Cecilia who are real Stockhomers, Malin who is a fellow Norwegian and Mario that is from Gothenburg. Today we met our class, and they all seem very nice, a little reserved, but that is just to be expected on the first day..
And after school me, Malin, Niclas and Mario went to Mosebacken terrace and had a couple of beers, and we came up with the idea of the "Monday get together" were we just hang out and drink beer to get a head-start on the week :-)
Now it is a cup of tea, a movie and then sleepy-time..
A great day all together :-)
You are the light
I have now arrived in Stockholm, and have moved in to my new apartment in Nacka. I am really getting comfortable here, but I am still looking forward to starting school tomorrow.. It's gonna be nice to get to know some people my own age over here, so that I wont be all alone :-)
So in the honor of the city I have started listening good and hard to Jens Lekman, especially the albums "When I said I wanted to be your dog" and "Nights fall over Kortedala". And the video above is the beautiful song "You are the light" from the first of the previously mentioned albums. I have been walking around Gamla Stan and through Drotningsgatan and just sat at the riverbank, reading Fitzgerald and iced-lattes.
So enjoy the song and this evening.. and prepare for the monday that is to come :-)
One year

Long hair

Short blonde, trying snus for the first time


Smoking for the first time in three years

Regaining happiness

This year so much has happened, so I thought that I could document some of the events. And in three days I will start my next year in a different country and I can't wait to see what happens next. Maybe I should make this an anual thing?
Have a nice night babies!
Permanent marker

One of the more crazy things I have done in my entire life...
Hurts like FU***, but so so worth it....
Have a good night everyone
Cassanova, put your mask on

In my state of drunkness, this is the best pictures I can conjure on my Photobooth application..
Stupid pics, stupid story.... Still, kind of funny...
Have a nice night!
Oh Matthew!

Stills from Italy this summer.. The bikini is Matthew Williamson for H & M, and I absolutley adore it! :-D
I wish it was still summer here so that I could wear it all the time.
May you all have a good nights sleep :-)
Amsterdam beauty

Photo: Garance Dorè
Current obsession: The L Word

I have gotten obsessed with The L Word, and the pics on the post is the beautiful Shane from the series. There are some bithces in the series, but it evens it out with the nice girls :-)
Now I am eating cake and watching South Park with Carina and Alisa...
Have a smashing saturday
I <3 Italy vol. 2


Haha - stupid t - shirt

On a two - story train :-D

The view from Sienna seeing througout a small part of Tuscany

The ugliest car ever - it is even named APE!!!

A Palio defined area in Sienna - LOOOONG story ;-)

A statue of Zevs in a fountain in Florence

Now I am going to watch The L Word, bake a carotcake and then go to bed! :-D
Have a superb night darlings <3
I <3 Italy

Ryanair, the cheap airline which in addition tries to look cheap

My beautiful cousin Hanna

Both my cousins, Hanna and Henrik

My BB, Pål

In this bed I sat and got the first messages of Michael Jacksons death...

... and I might mention that it was a 5 - star hotel...

... with awful weather outside..

... but a beautful view anyhow!

Me and Pål

Pål and my mother
The next in my gourgeous holiday comes tomorrow, darlings <3

This is without a doubt the most beautiful thing in the world for me!
For someone else he might not be the prettiest, but I don't give a shit - because I think he is the most beautiful boy in the world...
And this guy has given me the most perfect birthday gift on advance EVER - a four day trip to Paris where we are going to Rock en Seine, three days with wonderful music in the most romantic city that I have ever been in!
Baby, you are perfect <3 <3 <3
And I know that you are tired and sick of working so much, but that is why I want you to know that!
You and I have miles to go before we sleep, and I look forward to it! :-D
I love you <3 <3 <3
Party in the city

The night of the "prom"

And the dreaded day after...

But I still cooked breakfast for 9 people

And they were very happy

And the rest of the day was spent licking sun in my garden...
What a succesful night!!! :-D