Bravery has many faces

The faces of bravery in my eyes has millions faces.
Dare to be yourself and dare to search for happiness...those who don't see what it may mean to you need to do the same for themselves.
Be accepting of yourselves and others and things will fall into place somehow.
In hard times where I don't know what to do with myself I tend to think that Rome wasn't exactly buillt in one day.
So then it's kind of unrealistic to accept imidiate change in my life overnight too..
And once again, an homage

And once again, I pay homage to the quietnes of solitude...
It is the prospect and afterthought of all the pain that I have caused in the past, all the pain I am causing in the present and all the pain I for damn sure will cause in the future that brings it on.
The solitude that not even the warmest of summer days, the brightest sun or the greenest ocean can ever cure
I take this as a healthy sign. This solitude does not mean puffy and tired eyes, does not mean tears or anger managment issues nor does it mean that I believe I am to loose my mind.
It means that it is time to grow...maybe even to a better human being.
Every person that slides acros the face of this planet has one of this nights, and I beg of you:
Use it wisely - you never know when you have it next
Everything and though nothing could change... Why gamble on it?
And to the ones that these lines of seemingly empty words are for:
You enriched my lives and made me grow, made me better.
And still I managed to cause you pain, just by being who I am...or the one I used to be.
To you it might just be words without meaning, that they mean even less than my heartache compared to yours.
If you where to listen to me just one more time, hear this:
I'm sorry that you ever got to see me, the real me.
I could tell you that you deserve better, that it was me and not you, that you are the sunshine of my life.
But I can only imagine that the pain that I have allready caused you get's even worse with those words..
So all I'll say is:
I'm sorry that I hurt you. It was all me, you did nothing wrong. I hurt you because you made me love you, you stripped me from my clothes and flung me up against a wall forcing me to see myself.
And for that I had to hurt you.
I'm sorry...
You know I love you
Oh, I am gonna do this tomorrow
Found an amazing blog during the nighttime last night:
I don't really want to make an introduction seing as it might be the cutest site ever... I will just leave word and tell you all to visit the page
Just to give you a preview, the story "Oh, Monday" below

Wake up, Ickle!

"Yaaaaaawn... The sun is tickeling my back, is it morning already?"
"Let's see what's going on outside..."

"Hrm.... I can't tell if it is morning or late afternoon. Yaaaawn, anyways, I should start the day by making a to-do-list with all the things I will accomplish today"

"And I should write that list in bed..."

Oh, Ickle...
Ah, the beauty <3
I don't really want to make an introduction seing as it might be the cutest site ever... I will just leave word and tell you all to visit the page
Just to give you a preview, the story "Oh, Monday" below

Wake up, Ickle!

"Yaaaaaawn... The sun is tickeling my back, is it morning already?"

"Let's see what's going on outside..."

"Hrm.... I can't tell if it is morning or late afternoon. Yaaaawn, anyways, I should start the day by making a to-do-list with all the things I will accomplish today"

"And I should write that list in bed..."

Oh, Ickle...
Ah, the beauty <3
Without words

This is just for you honeybee....
Thanks for two amazing weeks.
All the love that exist in my bones go out to you.... It's all for you <3
I hope you have a peaceful night...
Seeing red

Have arrived at home again, after living out of my backpack for two weeks.
It has been two AMAZING weeks!
Being with you all that time has been an eyeopener for me, I really do love you..
And I can't wait to see you again... Back before you know it <3
Otherwise I realize that I need to find something permanent for my apperance, because I am allready bored of my hair.
So tomorrow I have big plans, I just hope it pans out okay... Or at least that you can see some difference ;)
And btw Asbjørn, call me!!! If you want to take me out tonight you have to call me before I fall asleep ^^
Have a good saturday...