New York, I love you but you're bringing me down
Just lying in my bed listening to quiet music and reading Oscar Wilde... Tomorrow I am going to be sitting on a bus for 8 hours, probably doing the same thing then as now. I really like those long bus or train rides, it gives room for reflection and relaxing..
And the destintion is gonna be kinda fascinating too..
I just want to relax and find myself again. It has a been a long while since I felt this lost.
So maybe a loafing trip through snowy Norway may be the answer to this time in my life..
You fucking coward!!!

I have to end this now.
Whatever this twisted and jealous relationship might have brought on us, I still have to tell you how I feel.
You are a weakling and a coward..
STILL... It might not sound like I mean it, but I wish you all the luck that excists in my bones in your search for happiness.
If you think you can find it now, then that it is all that I need to know.
All I ever cared about was your happiness, and if the third wheel on our wagon can't agree to that... Then I am the one to back off, even though I am not glad to do it. But even I can see that if I could ever see to your happiness, that is the right thing to do.
So I hope that we can meet one day in the basement, over a cup of coffee and talk. Talk for real.
My hair will be longer, and maybe my waist will be slimmer.
But I will still be the same person... The person that loved you from the start.
You have become one of my most beloved friends over the short time that I got to be your company.
And now we have to say goodbye...
So I'll say this once, and never again: You are a fucking coward, but I still love you...
You know you love me!