The smell of the summer Rain

1. "Nyt" av Truls Bakken, summer 2009
2. Marc Jacobs "Rain"
I am looking forward to the smell of the summer rain in my hometown... While I wait I'll just enjoy the smell of the smell of Rain on my wrists.
Thinking of you baby <3
I hate the lying bastards I used to surround myself with!
There is a point in life where you realise that you have been surrounding yourself with lying assholes and people who are to fucking scared to speak their exact minds that all you end up thinking "OH,BARF!"
Never again am I going to open up to this kind of people; getting fucked over this royally again is NOT an option!
I feel SO... BAD... FOR... YOU!
What happens now: going out to get hurrican drunk, I wanna drink myself to death!
To all of my current loved ones, you are fucking ases <3
Mahogany locks

Oldie picture...
I want my long mahogany locks back... and I want them now!
Sunny mind

In such a good mood today... have no clue about what is going on here, but I like it ^^
Once upon a time

Wow.... This just seems like a million years ago... Can't really complain about the first picture, but the rest? I was npt a pretty child ^^
The girl with me in the pictures though, that's something else... My cousin Hanna, so beautiful then and now <3
The thing that lives inside of me

I have carried something in my bones and body for almost five years, and more than ever and never before without any logic - it is catching up with me.
Summer has deserted me by my own choice and I can never get the love back...
I cover everything up in empty words that no one will ever read..
Let's just hope that I'll never get published..